Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ready for Spring Anyone?

OK, Christmas is over, time for Spring! Seriously, I am pining for it already. Especially due to the fact that it was 63 degrees here on Christmas Eve! My crocuses are poking their heads up out of the ground already, and I am starting to get the gardening bug!

We had a great candle-light service on Friday night. The choir sang (or at least there were about 20 of us there from the choir), and Brian gave a short message. It was fun. I went to bed early on Friday night and got up early Saturday morning to get some last minute shopping done. The malls weren't too bad, but then again, I was out of there by about 11:00 AM and the parking lot was already starting to fill up. Saturday afternoon about ten of us from the choir participated in the Christmas Eve service that was sponsored by four local churches, including ours. This was the service that we were supposed to join with Church of the Living God for. At the last minute, we found out that we were not going to be joining. The whole service was a little surreal. One of the "performers" yodled and danced around on stage, and was just plain strange. Then, at the very back of the church, the ten of us who were there from our choir got a serious case of the giggles. It started during the singing of "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" when we all realized that NONE of us knew the second verse!! We would start and then stop, and then try to start again, but by then it was too late. I had tears streaming down my face and was laughing so hard that I could not sing the other two verses that I DID know! I was grateful that we were at the very back of the church where we/I could laugh without being a distraction. The whole thing was just weird and strange. No one gave much of a message. It was just some scripture reading, and then some singing. One man, who played the harmonica, was amazing. But between the yodling lady and a man who sang some song about "Richard" (who the heck is Richard, and why are you singing about HIM at a Christmas Eve service?) and the fact that there were only ten of us out of sixty and getting a case of the giggles, by the time we were scheduled to come on, it was just a strange experience. We were supposed to start a recessional off the stage at the very end of our last song, but I forgot, and off walks Aaron up the aisle, and I am looking at him wondering "why is he walking off?" So I turn to Alison next to me and say "Am I supposed to follow him?" And, yep, I was supposed to. It was just a funny, funny time.

Saturday after the service I went out to Puyallup to my parents' house and opened presents. It was a nice and relaxing time. I got some very nice non-stick skillets and "The Chronicals of Narnia" book set.

Sunday, I got to sleep in, and then went pack over to Puyallup for Christmas dinner and then we kept our tradition of seeing a movie on Christmas Day and went to see "King Kong." Not the best movie I've ever seen, but it was fine.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I am looking forward to the new year and what it might bring!

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