Monday, February 12, 2007

Whoa Nelly

This week is proving to be one where I will probably look back at the end of it and say "Thank you, Lord for pulling me through." Our women's conference is this Friday and Saturday. I am speaking at it twice. Considering that I used to do public speaking in front of hundreds of people, I am surprisingly nervous about it. This is the first time that the topic (women's health) will be something close to my heart and the audience will be one that I care about their opinions. When I did public speaking before, it was always in front of strangers and it was on topics I don't care about nearly as much as I care about this one. Some day, when I have spoken in front of people a lot (because I WILL do that someday), I will look back on this and smile about how the Lord prepared me by using this conference. Regardless, I am probably over-preparing and worrying about this for no reason, but I would love your prayers for peace and clarity as I prepare for those talks. If I had a ton of time to prepare, I would probably feel less stressed. However, I am also in charge of food for the conference, and working full time and all of my other committments too. I am feeling nervous about the talks and I just need to release the whole thing to the Lord. I AM called to this!



  1. praying for you, friend.

  2. When you read this your conference will probably be over, but I just wanted you to know that I prayed for your calmness and clarity. I am so excited for you - for your new direction and possibilities.
    God is truly doing a wonderful thing in/for you. Your aunt, Michele
