Well, Life is good in Scotland! The last few days have been spent settling into my digs at the castle this YWAM base is located in....that's right people, a castle. However, the problems with actually living in a castle are numerous, the first being that the electrical system that controls the fire alarm has gone off several times the last few days. We are all praising Jesus, though, that it has not gone off super late at night, and it has not been raining or snowing here at all. In fact, I would say the weather here has been downright amazing. It has been sunny, and clear. The only time we had any hint of anything was the day week took a 45-minute ride on the train into Glasgow. The last hour we were in Glasgow it started to snow, but as soon as we got back toward Seamill/West Kilbride, it was clear again. They say since we are RIGHT on the water (about a 5 minute walk from the ocean) the weather here can be nicer. Can I get an AMEN!
Glasgow was fun. Not super big. I think I was expecting a slightly smaller version of London, but it was actually quite smaller than London. No chance of getting lost in this city! We saw some men in kilts playing bagpipes, which was cool! I'll upload some pictures as soon as I can find my camera cord. Did a little window shopping (which for me was really just looking) and grabbed some dinner before heading back to the base.
Had dinner with the base leaders on Friday night and that was fun! Had my first taste of something so heavenly that I cannot believe we do not have it in the states: Banoffee. It is a pie made with toffee, bananas and whipped cream. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S.
Now, all of that sounds fun, and you might be wondering what MINSITRY we've been doing. We have prayed for some people, and done a lot of networking with the base leaders here and starting tomorrow we will do some teaching. But, really, this trip from the get-go was going to be different than any other anyone from our church had been on. This is because the base leaders here have already had much of our teaching, and there is a huge openness here. They would really like to have a team or two here on base for as long as possible. OJ and Suzanna are even talking several months. WE would have to pray about that, but it is open! There are some other bases in the world who have asked for the same, but not ususally on the first trip!! I am just falling in love with the hearts of Dave and Bryony and Caroline, the base leaders. So humble, so hungry, so in love with Jesus. It makes ME humble! I really know I have nothing to bring but Jesus!
On one last funny note, there is an Island directly across the water from us the we can see and it is called the Isle of Arran (pronounced Erin). I thought that was prophetic!
love the updates. i love you and am praying the Lord would continue to move in your life and on your trip!