Wow, has it really been since November 17th that I last blogged? I mean, I knew it had been a while, but geesh. Anyway, I don't have a lot new to post. I do have some new pictures I should upload.
Thanksgiving was great. Two of my housemates, Lora and Kristie, came with me to my parent's to have the big turkey shindig. We gobbled up (pun intended) loads of turkey, stuffing, and other traditional Thanksgiving-day fare. I made my mashed fauxtatoes again this year. I tweaked the recipe again, and actually think I liked them *better* than last year's. We also broke out the pumpkin pie, and I made a loaf of pumpkin bread that tasted a LOT more like pumpkin cake, especially since I baked it in a brownie pan and Lora frosted it with some cream-cheese frosting. YUM. I think I single-handedly ate about half of the loaf.
Now you might think from all of this food talk that I have comletely fallen off the weight watchers wagon, but that would not be the case. I am just learning to eat to maintain, rather than lose. There have been pop-ups of fear, but I am happily maintaining my weight loss. I need to be vigilant about not getting lazy or passive about it and thinking I can just eat any old thing and be OK, but otherwise, I am having fun.
I have had so many (seriously, every week it seems someone new is asking me about stuff)women at church talk to me about healthy eating and stuff that I asked Brian if we could hold a class to talk about some practical things. He agreed. So, I asked two other women to help me put something together. I am not sure what it will look like exactly, but in January or February we will be getting a class together for women interested in getting healthy. I'll post more information when I get a chance to pray with the other women (Linda and Peggy) to see what is on the Lord's heart to talk about. This is SUCH a sensitive and precious area for so many women and we want to go about it the right way so as not to bring an open door for the enemy to bring lies of shame/condmenation etc. It should be neat to see.
Preschool is still well, as well. One more week and then we are off for two and a half weeks for Christmas break. In fact, I will be off for almost two full weeks from my administrative job as well. I am looking forward to just taking a vacation this time of the year. It has been since I taught seven years ago that I last had a chunk of time off at Christmas. The one time I did take some time off was for my brother's wedding, but that involved the hecticness of travel to Illinois and the subsequent food poisoning that kept my whole family down for a week after the wedding. It will just be nice to just have time off and be at home. I had a little time for this in Sept. before school started and after I quit my job at the county, but this will be SO nice!
There has been SUCH progress with the kids at the school in the last few weeks, it makes it fun to be there! Seriously, so fun. I am just enjoying them. I think there has been breakthrough with Erika (co-director) and I as well, in recognizing our authority in the classroom does not mean we do not love those kids. We have realized that being too lax in discipline is actually harming the kids. Sometimes, you just have to discipline. It is for their GOOD that we do it, as long as it is not out of our own anger or frustration. There are rules, and they are there for the good of the kids. It has made it hard for some kids, as they have more tendancies to get in trouble now because of it, but even they don't liek getting in trouble and so are more motiviated to obey. It is just a good lesson all the way around. Lots of applications to my own life too!
Well, I could probably post a bit more, but that's all for now. I might have some time later this afternoon too.
God Bless,